Fiscal Management
Supporting You While You Make Your Life Yours
SDS Fiscal Information & Assistance:
(908) 354-3040
Fax Number:
(908) 445-4354

Self Directed Services Fiscal Management
firmly believes all individuals have a right to lead the life of their choice, be active participants in the community they live, and have the fiscal stability and support they deserve.
firmly believes all individuals have a right to lead the life of their choice, be active participants in the community they live, and have the fiscal stability and support they deserve.
Since 1999
our mission has been to facilitate the independence and productivity of people with disabilities.
our mission has been to facilitate the independence and productivity of people with disabilities.
We are dedicated to providing fiscal/employer agent services that enable program participants to live as they wish and to function effectively as independent persons, we believe in the concept of self determination as a means to providing maximum control to participants over their own home care services.
To this end we are committed to providing all the fiscal services neccessary to make the idea of self-determination a reality for all program participants.
SDS Fiscal Management was founded in 1999 in response to the implementation of the Cash and Counseling model in certain home programs in New Jersey. We now provide Fiscal Management Support to over 6500 participants across 4 participant directed programs throughout the state of NJ, we are continually expanding and evolving to meet the needs of new participants as the state moves increasingly towards self-direction as a mode of service in more and more of their home care programs.
We have been performing Fiscal/Employer Agent Services for participants in Self-Determination Programs since they began in 1999, this makes us a leader in our field with experience that is second to none. We are certified as a Medicaid provider for the purposes of performing F/EA services to participants in these programs and have a long history of expertise in Medicaid claims submission and payment.
Self Directed Services Fiscal Management is a subsidiary of Community Access Unlimited (CAU). CAU is a non-profit social services agency headquartered in Elizabeth NJ. CAU was founded in 1979 to serve people with disabilities that wish to live a full productive life in the community rather than a life of dependence and isolation. CAU is accredited by CARF (The Commission for the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) and is a member of ANCOR (The American Network of Community Options and Resources) and of NRCPDS (National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services).
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© 2013 Self Directed Services Fiscal Management
Developed for SDS Fiscal by Wright Consultancy LLC